The Barnett Capital Group is a Texas- based business brokerage and intermediary firm specializing in the sale of private schools and childcare centers. The firm has offices in Houston and Dallas covering the entire state of Texas. In conjunction with our sister company, Barnett Commercial Real Estate, LLC, we provide our clients sole source representation of both schools and the real estate involved.
The Barnett Capital Group, LLC provides services to Business Owners interested in grooming their company for sale and selling their company. These services include financial and marketing consulting, valuation, handling the sale of the business and help with the proceeds of their sale.
We at Barnett Capital Group, LLC have four core beliefs that drive everything we do:
Integrity – We value honesty. We believe that all parties will benefit from a well structured deal, fair to all parties, with open disclosure of the facts. We prefer to deal with clients that share our concern.
Discretion – We realize that if the your employees, customers, or the public discover that your business is for sale, it will be detrimental to your business and its valuation. We work diligently to protect our client’s confidentiality. We never advertise in any manner that would allow the public to discern a company’s identity. We use only blind ads in established industry marketplaces. We require all respondents to complete a confidentiality agreement giving us specific legal remedies for un-approved disclosure. If a client requires it, we will contact the client with a complete buyer profile prior to disclosure of any information to a buyer group. This gives our clients the maximum secrecy possible.
Professionalism – We feel our client’s deserve the highest level of knowledge and training from their brokers. All of our Principals are licensed by the Texas Real Estate Commission. We are members of both the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA), The Association for Corporate Growth (ACG), The Urban Land Institute (ULI), and The Texas Association of Realtors. Our principals average over 20 years of experience in Business and Real Estate in Houston.
Effectiveness – We know that we need to bring the maximum number of qualified buyers if we are going to get the most value for our clients. We are members of the Wall Street Journal’s BizBuySell, Bizquest, MergerNetwork,, and Loopnet Premium. We use all of these forums as well as our extensive network of buyers to find the right buyer for a client’s business.
We are also one of the few brokerages that will co-broker with other investment bankers. This further expands our reach in marketing a client’s company insuring maximum value.